Watch “Hibernate Part-6 | Inheritance in Hibernate (Gujarati)” on YouTube

We can map the inheritance hierarchy classes with the table of the database.
There are three inheritance mapping strategies defined in the hibernate:

✔️ Table Per Class Hierarchy
➖ Single table is required to map the whole hierarchy, an extra column (discriminator column) is added to identify the class
➖ But, nullable values are stored in the table
✔️ Table Per Subclass Hierarchy
➖ Tables are created as per class but related by foreign key.
➖ So there are no duplicate columns.
✔️ Table Per Concrete class Hierarchy
➖ Tables are created as per class.
➖ But duplicate column is added in subclass tables.

Hibernate Inheritance with Annotation
✔️ Inheritance annotation
✔️ Defines the inheritance strategy to be used for an entity class hierarchy.
It is specified on the entity class that is the root of the entity class hierarchy.

Hibernate Sessions Factory
✔️ SessionFactory is an interface.
✔️ SessionFactory can be created by providing Configuration object, which will contain all DB related property details pulled from either hibernate.cfg.xml file or file.
✔️ SessionFactory is a factory for Session objects.

Hibernate Sessions
✔️ Unlike SessionFactory, the Session object will be created on demand.
✔️ Session provides a physical connectivity between application and DB.
✔️ It will be established each time an application wants do something with DB.
✔️ All the persistent objects will be saved and retrieved through Session object.
✔️ The session object must be destroyed after using it.
✔️ Session object will be provided by SessionFactory object.

Hibernate Sessions states (life cycle states of an object)
✔️ Transient : A new instance of a persistent class which is not associated with a Session and has no representation in the database and no identifier value is considered transient by Hibernate.
✔️ Persistent : A transient instance is made persistent by associating it with a Session. | A persistent instance has a representation in the database, an identifier value and is associated with a Session.
✔️ Detached : When the Hibernate Session is closed, the persistent instance will become a detached instance.

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Watch “Hibernate Part-5 | Core Components of Hibernate framework (Gujarati)” on YouTube

Core Components of Hibernate

✔️ Connection Management
✔️ Transaction management
✔️ Object relational mapping

Hibernate Configuration file:
✔️ Hibernate requires some the mapping information that defines the Java classes that relates to the database tables.
✔️ A set of configuration settings related to database and other related parameters are required and stored in a standard Java properties file called, or as an XML file named hibernate.cfg.xml.

Hibernate Mapping file:
✔️ Mapping and Configuration always co-exist in hibernate as every hibernate program need these two xml files.
✔️ It is the core part of hibernate.
✔️ ORM tool requires mapping which puts an object’s properties into the columns of a table.
✔️ Though, Mapping can be done in the form of an XML or in the form of the annotations

✔️ The hibernate application can be created with annotation.
✔️ There are many annotations that can be used to create hibernate application such as @Entity, @Id, @Table etc. The core advantage of using hibernate annotation is that you don’t need to create mapping (hbm) file.
✔️ Mapping file instructs Hibernate how to map the defined class or classes to the database tables.

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Watch “Hibernate Part-4 | Architecture of Hibernate framework (Gujarati)” on YouTube

Hibernate framework Architecture:
It includes many objects such as
✔️ persistent object
✔️ session factory,
✔️ transaction factory,
✔️ connection factory,
✔️ session,
✔️ transaction etc.

The Hibernate architecture is categorized in four layers
✔️Java application layer
✔️Hibernate framework layer
✔️Backend API layer
✔️Database layer

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Watch “Hibernate Part-3 | Advantages and Disadvantages of Hibernate framework (Gujarati)” on YouTube

✔️ Open Source and Lightweight
✔️ Fast Performance
✔️ Database Independent Query
✔️ Automatic Table Creation
✔️ Simplifies Complex Join
✔️ Provides Query Statistics and Database Status

✔️ It can’t be learnt easily.
✔️ The debugging due to xml files and performance tuning becomes difficult at times.
✔️ Hibernate is a bit slower than pure JDBC as it is generating lots of SQL ✔️ statements in runtime.
✔️ It advisable to use pure JDBC for batch processing.

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Watch “Hibernate Part-2 | Need of Hibernate Framework (Gujarati)” on YouTube

✔️ Developers use JDBC for communicating with the DB and the java app.
✔️ JDBC programming needs to create SQL statement, execute the statement and then process the results, Also the runtime exceptions are needed to be handled.
✔️ To effectively solve above issue, ORM tool was developed.
✔️ The ORM tool generates the SQL statements, executes the SQL statement and finally processes the result.
✔️ It also handles the exceptions occurred in the program.

Features of Hibernate
✔️ Object/Relational Mapping
✔️ JPA Provider
✔️ Idiomatic (Natural) persistence
✔️ High Performance
✔️ Scalability
✔️ Reliable
✔️ Extensibility

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Watch “Hibernate Part-1 | Introduction to Hibernate Framework (Gujarati)” on YouTube

➡️ Hibernate is the ORM tool to transfer the data between a java (object) app and a database (Relational) in the form of the objects.  
➡️ It is an open source, light weight tool given by Gavin King.
➡️ It is a non-invasive (don’t force) framework, it doesn’t force the developers to extend/implement any class/interface, there are only POJO classes so its light weight.
➡️ It can run with-in or with-out server, it will suitable for all types of java apps (desktop or servers)
➡️ It is purely for persistence (to store/retrieve data from DB).

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Watch “Webinar on Ubuntu Operating System (OS) – Gujarati” on YouTube

✔️ ઑપરેટિંગ સિસ્ટમ (OS) કમ્પ્યુટર હાર્ડવેર સાધનો વ્યવસ્થા અને કોમ્પ્યુટર પ્રોગ્રામ માટે સામાન્ય સેવાઓ પૂરી પાડે છે કે જે સોફ્ટવેર એક સંગ્રહ છે.
✔️ ઉબુન્ટુ (અંગ્રેજી Ubuntu) એ કોમ્પ્યુટરની એક (free) મફ્ત ઓપરેટિંગ સિસ્ટમ છે.
✔️ ઉબુન્ટુ ડેબિયન (Debian) આધારીત લિનક્ષ (Linux) જેવી ઓપરેટિંગ સિસ્ટમ છે.
✔️ તેનું નામ દક્ષીણી આફ્રિકી ભાષાનો શબ્દ ઊબુન્ટુ (અન્ય તરફની માનવતા) ની પાછળ રાખવામાં આવ્યું છે.
✔️ ઉબુન્ટુ મુખ્યત્વે વ્યક્તિગત કોમ્પ્યુટરો પર વાપરવા માટે રચાયેલ છે, જોકે તેની સર્વર આવૃત્તિ પણ અસ્તિત્વમાં છે.
✔️ ૨૦૧૨ માં થયેલ સર્વે અનુસાર ઉબુન્ટુ એ સૌથી લોકપ્રિય ડેસ્કટોપ/લેપટોપ માં વપરાતી લીનક્સ ઓપરેટીંગ સીસ્ટમ છે. જે સર્વર અને કલાઉડ કોમ્પુટીંગ માં પણ લોકપ્રિય છે.
✔️ ઉબુન્ટુ એ દક્ષિણ આફ્રિકન ઉદ્યોગસાહસિક માર્ક શટ્ટલવર્થની યુ.કે.-સ્થિત કંપની કેનોનિકલ લિ. દ્વારા પ્રાયોજિત કરવામાં આવે છે.
✔️ કેનોનિકલ ઉબુન્ટુ સંબંધિત ટેક્નીકલ સેવાઓના વેચાણ દ્વારા આવક પેદા કરે છે, જ્યારે ઓપરેટિંગ સિસ્ટમ પોતે જ સંપૂર્ણપણે મફ્ત છે.
✔️ ઉબુન્ટુ પ્રોજેક્ટ મુક્ત સોફ્ટવેર વિકાસ સિદ્ધાંતો માટે પ્રતિબદ્ધ છે.
✔️ એ GNU જનરલ પબ્લીક લાયસન્સ (GNU GPL અથવા જીપીએલ) અંતિમ વપરાશકર્તાઓ લોકો, સંસ્થાઓ, કંપનીઓ નો ઉપયોગ કરવા સ્વતંત્રતાઓ, અભ્યાસ, શેર (નકલ) બાંયધરી આપે છે,
✔️ સોફ્ટવેર સુધારવા જે સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી મુક્ત સોફ્ટવેર લાયસન્સ છે.
✔️ એ GNU જનરલ પબ્લીક લાયસન્સ (GNU GPL અથવા જીપીએલ) અંતિમ વપરાશકર્તાઓ લોકો, સંસ્થાઓ, કંપનીઓ નો ઉપયોગ કરવા સ્વતંત્રતાઓ, અભ્યાસ, શેર (નકલ) બાંયધરી આપે છે,
✔️ સોફ્ટવેર સુધારવા જે સૌથી વધુ ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી મુક્ત સોફ્ટવેર લાયસન્સ છે.
✔️ Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) લાઇસન્સ સોફ્ટવેર પુનર્વિતરણ, ઉદાર મુક્ત સોફ્ટવેર લાયસન્સ એક કુટુંબ છે.
✔️ બર્કલે સોફ્ટવેર વિતરણ (BSD), એક યુનિક્સ જેવી ઓપરેટીંગ સિસ્ટમ માટે ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો.

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Watch “EJB Part-3 | EJB Types (Gujarati)” on YouTube

EJB types
➡️ Session Bean : Session bean represents a single client inside the App Server.
➡️ Entity Bean : Entity bean represents a business object in a persistent storage mechanism.
➡️ Message Driven Bean : A message-driven bean is an enterprise bean that allows J2EE applications to process messages asynchronously.

#RaviROza #EJB #AdvanceJava #Jdk #Java #Gujarati

OS : Windows 10
Jdk : Version 8
IDE : Eclipse Mars
Server : Apache Tomcat 7

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Watch “EJB Part-2 | Usage of EJB (Gujarati)” on YouTube

When to Use Enterprise Java Beans
➡️ To Simplify development of large scale enterprise level app.
➡️ To focus only on business logic of the app.
➡️ When the app is distributed : When the resources and data are distributed across multiple sites, Choose EJB when application will need to support multiple, concurrent users.
➡️ When the app is performance-centric : use of EJBs and the application server provide high performance and very good scalability.
➡️ Manage transactions : When transaction management is required to ensure data integrity, EJBs may be used.
➡️ Manage security : Separation of Business Logic

#RaviROza #EJB #AdvanceJava #Jdk #Java #Gujarati

OS : Windows 10
Jdk : Version 8
IDE : Eclipse Mars
Server : Apache Tomcat 7

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Watch “EJB Part-1 | EJB Introduction (Gujarati)” on YouTube

An Enterprise Java Bean is:
➡️ A reusable component
➡️ A Java object
➡️ An encapsulation of enterprise business logic and data
➡️ Executed in a Containers

What is EJB?
➡️ EJB is an architecture for setting up program components, that run in the server, to develop modular construction of enterprise app.
➡️ It is reusable in multiple apps.
➡️ It is built on the JavaBeans technology to distribute components. It encapsulates the business logic of a web app.
➡️ It provides an architecture to develop and deploy component based enterprise apps.

Summary of video:
➡️ Java Bean Vs Enterprise Java Bean
➡️ Difference between RMI and EJB
➡️ EJB Architecture
➡️ Benefits of EJB
➡️ Restriction on EJB
➡️ Disadvantages of Enterprise Java Beans

RaviROza #EJB #AdvanceJava #Jdk #Java #Gujarati

OS : Windows 10
Jdk : Version 8
IDE : Eclipse Mars
Server : Apache Tomcat 7

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