BCA semester 1 (WEF-2023)

Hello dear students.

As per NEP-2020 and new syllabus, following is the suggested paper style for your BCA semester 1 exam.

Suggested Question Paper Format for (Theory) exam

Time: 2 Hours | Marks: 50

Q. 1 – Unit 1 – (A)
Q. 2 – Unit 2 – (A)
Q. 3 – Unit 3 – (A)
Q. 4 – Unit 4 – (A)
Q. 5 – Unit 5 – (A)

Model Question Paper

BCA (CBCS) Semester – 1

CS-01  | Problem Solving Methodologies And Programming In C (Major)

Time:  2 Hours | Total Marks: 50

Q.1         [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is machine language?

                                2.    What is algorithm?

                                3.    What is flowchart?

                                4.    What is program?

                                5.    Full form of ANSI

                [B]          Write a note on types of languages.                                                        5 marks


                [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is data type?

                                2.    What is variable?

                                3.    What is constant?

                                4.    What is keyword?

                                5.    What is header file?

                [B]          Write a note on structure of a C program.                                             5 marks

Q. 2        [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is selective control statement?

                                2.    What is conditional operator?

                                3.    What is iterative statement?

                                4.    What is entry-controlled loop?

                                5.    What is exit-controlled loop?

                [B]          Write a note do…while loop with example                                           5 marks


                [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is infinite loop?

                                2.    Usage of switch statement

                                3.    Usage of break statement

                                4.    Usage of continue statement

                                5.    Usage of goto statement

                [B]          Write a note for loop with example                                                         5 marks

Q. 3        [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is function?

                                2.    What is function argument?

                                3.    What is format parameter?

                                4.    What is actual parameter?

                                5.    What is function call by value?

                [B]          Write a note on inbuilt function                                                                 5 marks


                [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is UDF?

                                2.    What is return type?

                                3.    What is storage class?

                                4.    What is function prototype?

                                5.    What is calling function?

                [B]          Write a note Memory allocation functions                                            5 marks

Q. 4        [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is single dimensional array?

                                2.    What is multi dimensional array?

                                3.    What is two dimensional array?

                                4.    What is String array?

                                5.    What is Pointer?

                [B]          Write a note on two dimensional array with example                        5 marks


                [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is Pointer to Variables?

                                2.    What is Pointer to Array?

                                3.    What is Pointer within Array?

                                4.    What is Array of Pointer?

                                5.    What is Pointer to Pointer?

                [B]          Write a note on string array with example                                            5 marks

Q. 5        [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is Type def?

                                2.    What is the operator to access structure member?

                                3.    What is Union?

                                4.    What is user defined data type?

                                5.    What is inbuilt data type?

                [B]          Write a note on Pointer to structure with example                           5 marks


                [A]          Answer the following                                                                                     5 marks

                                1.    What is array within a structure?

                                2.    What is pointer within a structure?

                                3.    What is nested structure?

                                4.    What is derived data type?

                                5.    What is primary data type?

                [B]          Write a note on array of structure with example                               5 marks

BCA semester – 2 Viva related questions

CS-07 | Data Structure using C Language

  1. What is Data Structure?
  2. What is Array?
  3. What is FIFO?
  4. What is LIFO?
  5. What is Stack?
  6. What is Queue?
  7. What is Circular Queue?
  8. What is Deque?
  9. What is Searching?
  10. What is Index search?
  11. What is Binary search?
  12. What is Sequential search?
  13. What is Sorting?
  14. What is Linked List?
  15. What is Doubly Linked List?
  16. What is Circular Linked List?
  17. What is Primitive structure?
  18. What is Linear structure?
  19. What is Non-Linear structure?
  20. What is Push in Stack?
  21. What is Pop in Stack?
  22. What are the applications of Linked List?
  23. What is Tree?
  24. What is In-order in tree?
  25. What Pre-order in tree?
  26. What is Post-order in tree?
  27. What is B-tree?
  28. What is Traversing?

CS-08 | Web Programming using PHP

  1. What is static page?
  2. What is dynamic page?
  3. What is server?
  4. What is client?
  5. What is host?
  6. What is localhost?
  7. What is remote host?
  8. What is IIS?
  9. What is Apache?
  10. What is virtual host?
  11. What is DOM?
  12. What is JSON?
  13. JSON stands for _____
  14. What is PHP?
  15. PHP stands for _____
  16. What is GET?
  17. What is POST?
  18. What is $_GET?
  19. What is $_POST?
  20. What is Array?
  21. Types of User defined functions
  22. What is variable length argument function?
  23. Which function is used to create a file in PHP?
  24. What is Cookie?
  25. What is Session?
  26. Why do we need Cookie?
  27. Why do we need Session?
  28. Example of Cookie
  29. Example of Session
  30. What do mean by server variables?
  31. What is GD library?
  32. What is regular expression?
  33. What is AJAX?
  34. AJAX stands for?
  35. What is MySQL?
  36. Who owns the MySQL?
  37. What is jQuery?
  38. What is PHP My Admin?
  39. What is SQL?
  40. What is DML?
  41. Which are the jQuery effects?
  42. Which are the jQuery Events?
  43. Which are the jQuery selectors?
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