Overall process of example: When a new user select the “Sign Up” option from the registration page the request is sent to the SignUP Servlet, the servlet read the values of username and password from request. The new user registration module has been linked with Login module.
Servlet defines the Database connection with valid database connection information.
Prepared statement is used to check the username and password exists in users table. then, the same prepared statement is used to add new user information in database.
OS : Windows 10 Jdk : Version 8 IDE : Eclipse Mars Database : MySQL using MySql Workbench 5.2 CE Server : Apache Tomcat 7
Overall process of example: When a client/user select the “Submit” option from the clients page the request is sent to the Login Servlet, the servlet read the values of username and password from request.
Servlet defines the Database connection with valid database connection information.
Then, prepared statement is used to execute the queries. Here i have use used the prepared statement to check the username and password is exist in users table.
OS : Windows 10 Jdk : Version 8 IDE : Eclipse Mars Database : MySQL using MySql Workbench 5.2 CE Server : Apache Tomcat 7