Animation in Android/Kotlin

View animation in Android is a system that allows you to add smooth, tweened animations to your app’s Views. This means you can control how elements like buttons, images, and layouts change their appearance over time, creating a more engaging and dynamic user experience.

Here are some key things to know about view animation in Android:

Types of animations:

  • Tween animation: This is the most common type, where you define the starting and ending values for various properties like alpha (transparency), rotation, scale, and translation (position). The system automatically calculates the intermediate values to create a smooth transition.
  • Frame animation: This involves displaying a sequence of images rapidly to create the illusion of movement.

Implementing animations:

There are two main ways to implement view animations:

  • Using pre-defined animations: Android provides several built-in animation resources like fade in, fade out, rotate, and scale. You can load these animations from XML files and apply them to your Views.
  • Creating custom animations: For more complex animations, you can use the Animation class or the newer Animator class to define your own animation properties and timing.

View animation, in the context of Android development, refers to the process of adding smooth transitions and movements to the elements on your app’s screen. These elements, called Views, can be anything from buttons and images to layouts and text boxes. By animating their properties like size, position, transparency, and rotation, you can create a more visually appealing and engaging experience for your users.