Basic of Kotlin

Functions in Kotlin

Programming Elements

A Kotlin program may contain literals, variables, expressions, keywords, and a mix of other things. We are going to discuss some of the important programming elements here.


Kotlin provides literals for the basic types (numbers, character, Boolean, String).

Literal example:

var intLiteral = 500
var doubleLiteral = .025
var stringLiteral = "Hello World"
var charLiteral = 'K'
var boolLiteral = false

in above code snippet 500, .025, “Hello World”, ‘K’, and true are literal of Integer, Double, String, Character and Boolean receptively.


A variable is a data name, we use it to assign values. A value can be store in data name, to manipulate values for various operation it muse be store inside a variable.

A variable in Kotlin is created by declaring an identifier using the var keyword followed by the type, like in the statement. Variables declared using var are mutable, they can be changed as many times as you want.

  • We don’t always have to declare or write the type of the variables
  • Kotlin is smart enough to figure out the type when you assign a literal value to variable, it’s called type inference.

Mutable & Immutable variables


var i : Int

i is the identifier and Int is the type, Kotlin specifies types by placing it to the right of the identifier and is separated from it by a colon. We can assign a value to it, like

i = 100

We can still shorten the declaration and assignment statements, see the sample code:

var i = 100 //or

var i : Int = 10

Literal examples with var keyword to define mutable

fun main()
    //data type of variable is decided by the value assign to it.

    // int variable
    var intLiteral = 5

    // double variable
    var doubleLiteral = .02

    // string variable
    var stringLiteral = "Hello"

    // char variable
    var charLiteral = '1'

    // boolean variable
    var boolLiteral = true

    println ("int literal : " + intLiteral)
    println ("double literal : " + doubleLiteral)
    println ("string literal : " + stringLiteral)
    println ("char literal : " + charLiteral)
    println ("boolean literal : " + boolLiteral)

val keyword

Variables declared with val keyword can be initialized only once within the execution block where they were defined, it makes them effectively constants. val is the equivalent of the final keyword in Java. once you initialize it to a value, you can’t change it anymore, they’re immutable.

val i = 101 // declaration and initialization on the same line.

They can also be declared and initialized at a later time, like the statements here:
val a: Int
a = 10

Literal examples with val keyword to define immutable

fun main()
    val name = "ravi r. oza"
    val web = ""
    val year = 2020

    println("Name : "+name)
    println("Web : "+web)
    println("Estd. Year : "+year)

    // name declare using val, therefore it is immutable (can not be changed)
    // below is not valid
    //name = "oza ravi r.";

Expression and Statements

What is Expression?

An expression is a combination of literal values, variables, functions, operators, constants. It always resolve to a values. It can also be a part of another complex expression.

What is a Statement?

A statement can contain expression, but within itself. A statement does not resolve any value. It can not be part of another statement.

Most of the Kotlin programming expressions and statements are identical to Java except few. As we will go further, I will let you know the difference between Java and Kotlin related to statements and expressions.

Assignments are expressions in Java language, whereas they are known as statements in Kotlin. Therefore we can not pass assignment operations as arguments to a loop statement such as while.

while ((rem = a % b) != 0) 
    a = b
    b = rem
println (b)

Above code will raise compile time errors such as “Assignments are not expression, and only expressions are allowed in while loop condition” because assignment is not allowed in while loop condition.


Like any other language, keywords are reserved word for a given language. Keywords have special meaning related to compilers.

keywords can not used as identifier for any other programming elements such as variables, constants, function name, class name, etc.,

Types of keywords in Kotlin

  • Hard keywords
    • As its name suggests (hard-fixed meaning), these are such a set of keywords which can not be used as identifiers.
    • as, break, class, continue, do, else, false, while, this, throw, try, super, and when are the few of the hard keywords.
  • Soft keywords
    • These sets of keywords can be sometimes used as identifiers. It depends upon the context or the situation where we are declaring them.
    • file, finally, get, import, receiver, set, constructor, delegate, get, by, and where are the few of the soft keywords.

Click Here to see the list of hard and soft keywords

Operators and special symbols

Kotlin supports the following operators and special symbols

  • +, -, *, /, % – mathematical operators
    1. * is also used to pass an array to a vararg parameter.
  • =
    1. assignment operator.
    2. is used to specify default values for parameters.
  • +=, -=, *=, /=, %= – augmented assignment operators.
  • ++, -- – increment and decrement operators.
  • &&, ||, ! – logical ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘not’ operators (for bitwise operations, use the corresponding infix functions instead).
  • ==, != – equality operators (translated to calls of equals() for non-primitive types).
  • ===, !== – referential equality operators.
  • <, >, <=, >= – comparison operators (translated to calls of compareTo() for non-primitive types).
  • [, ] – indexed access operator (translated to calls of get and set).
  • !!asserts that an expression is non-null.
  • ?. performs a safe call (calls a method or accesses a property if the receiver is non-null).
  • ?: takes the right-hand value if the left-hand value is null (the elvis operator).
  • :: creates a member reference or a class reference.
  • .. creates a range.
  • : separates a name from a type in a declaration.
  • ? marks a type as nullable.
  • ->
    1. separates the parameters and body of a lambda expression.
    2. separates the parameters and return type declaration in a function type.
    3. separates the condition and body of a when expression branch.
  • @
    1. introduces an annotation.
    2. introduces or references a loop label.
    3. introduces or references a lambda label.
    4. references a ‘this’ expression from an outer scope.
    5. references an outer superclass.
  • ; separates multiple statements on the same line.
  • $ references a variable or expression in a string template.
  • _
    1. substitutes an unused parameter in a lambda expression.
    2. substitutes an unused parameter in a restructuring declaration.


Block is a group of statements. It is also known as a group of lines of codes. The lexical symbol blocks are pairs of curly braces. Block can be found at many places such as classes, methods or any other group of statement


Comments are always ignored by the compiler. They are useful for the developers. it improves the readability of code. Sometimes it also helps the developer to know how a code snippet works.