Saurashtra University, Rajkot
BCA Semester-4
CS 19 – Programming with JAVA
Question List
1 – Mark Question List
- Full form of JDK
- Full form of JVM
- Full form of JRE
- Full form of IDE
- List Primitive Data types
- List Wrapper classes
- What is Interface?
- What is Package?
- What is Jagged Array?
- What is VarArgs?
- Which command is used to compile java code?
- Which command is used to run java application?
- Which command is used to run Applet?
- What is Applet?
- What is keyword?
- What is Literal?
- What is Operator?
- What is Type casting?
- What is Command line argument array?
- Full form of OOP
- What is Encapsulation?
- What is Inheritance?
- What is Polymorphism?
- What is Constructor?
- What is Finalize() ?
- What is Static member?
- What is Instance variable?
- What is Local variable?
- What is class variable?
- What is Universal/Object class?
- What is Access modifiers?
- What is Overloading?
- What is Overriding?
- What is Thread?
- What is Synchronization?
- Full form of API
- What is Exception?
- What is Deamon Thread?
- What is Stream?
- What is Layout?
- Full form of AWT
- What is Swing?
- What is Event?
- _____ block is used to enclose the code that might throw an exception
- _____ block is used to handle the Exception
- _____ block executes whether an exception rise or not and whether an exception handled or not
- _____ keyword refers to the current class
- _____ keyword refers to the parent class
- _____ keyword is used to declare constant
- _____ keyword is used to prevent inheritance of class
- _____ keyword is used to inherit a Class
- _____ keyword is used to inherit Interface
- _____ interface is used to create Thread
- _____ class is used to create Thread
- _____ number of wrapper classes are there in Java
- _____ class is the super class of all classes
2 – Mark Question List
- Explain Abstract class
- Explain Nested class
- Explain Static methods
- Explain Exception Handling
- Explain Threading in Java
- Explain Random class
- Explain String Tokenizer
- Explain Hash Table
- Explain Event Delegation Model
- Explain Byte stream
- Explain Character stream
- Explain Buffered stream
- Explain Scanner class
- Explain throw and throws keyword
- Explain Object array
- Explain Action classes in AWT
- Explain Font class
- Explain Color class
- Explain Util Package
- Explain Vector class
- Explain FileReader
- Explain throw and throws keyword
- Explain Object array
- Explain Action classes in AWT
- Explain Font class
- Explain Color class
- Explain Util Package
- Explain Random class
- Explain Vector class
- Explain HashTable class
- Explain Calendar class
- Explain StringTokenizer class
- Explain Main Thread
- Explain Daemon-thread and Non-Daemon thread
3 – Mark Question List
- Discuss multiple Inheritance with example
- Discuss Package with example
- Discuss Interface with example
- Discuss Thread life cycle
- Discuss Applet life cycle
- Abstract class v/s Interface
- Interface v/s Package
- Instance method v/s Static method
- Instance variable v/s local variable
- Class variable v/s Instance variable
- Static v/s Non-static
- AWT v/s Swing
- Discuss final, finally and finalize
- Discuss the usage of final keyword
- Method overloading v/s Method overriding
- Constructor v/s finalize
- Component v/s Container
5 – Mark Question List
- Write a note on Exception Handling
- Write a note on Applet with example
- Write a note Event Delegation Model
- Write a note on Thread with example
- Write a note on Interface with example
- Write a note on Package with example
- Write a note on various collection in Java
- Develop java code to display smiley and a sad face in applet
- Develop java code to generate 5 distinct random numbers
- Develop java code to demonstrate String Tokenizer
- Develop java code to demonstrate Inheritance
- Develop java code to demonstrate Grid Layout
- Write a note on Layouts in Java