C Storage classes

The Scope, Visibility and Lifetime of Variables


Storage classes define the scope and visibility of an identifier such as variable or a function. It is also use to determine memory, lifetime, and initial value of a variable.

In C, all the variables not only have the data types but they also have storage class

Types of Storage classes in C

Automatic variables

  • The Automatic variables are declared inside a function in which it is to be be used.
  • Automatic variables are created when the function is called and destroyed when the function completes its execution or exited, therefore it is known as automatic variables.
  • They are also known as local or internal variables.
  • The variables declared inside a function without any storage class is, by default, an automatic variables.
  • auto keyword is used to declare auto variables
void main()
     int n;
// the above code can also be written as
void main()
     auto int n;
     // it has the same meaning as above example

External variables

  • External variables are also known as Global variables.
  • They are declared outside of any function.
  • External variables can be accessed by any function in program.
  • External variables are not only used between multiple functions but also are used with multiple files/programs. Means that the global variables declared in one file/program can accessed by another file/program. (if declared using extern keyword)
  • extern keyword used to declare external (other files) global variables, though we can skip it, if external variable is to accessed within the same file by all the function.
  • Extern variables are useless when used in the same file. They are mainly designed to export global variables from another file.
extern int i = 99;
//above is accessed from multiple files.
int i = 99;
// above is restricted to current program.
void fun1()
      i = 1;
void fun2()
     i = i + 1;
void main()
    printf ("%d",i);
    printf ("%d",i);
    printf ("%d",i);

Static variables

  • Static variables have the property of retaining their value even after they have been removed from their scope!
  • static variables retain the value of their most recent use within their scope.
  • They are only initialized once and exist until the program terminates.
  • No new memory is allocated because they have not been re-declared.
  • Static variables can be internal or external.
  • Static variables declared inside a function are called internal static variables, their scope is limited to the function where they are declared.
  • An external static variables are declared outside of all the functions and available to all the function in that program.
  • A static variables is initialized only once, when the program is compiled, it is never initialized again even if the function (where it is declared) is recalled multiple times.
void fun1()
   static int i=1;
void main()

Register variables

  • Register variables are declared in of the machine’s registers instead of memory (RAM).
  • Since, register access is faster then memory, it is suggestable to declare frequently used variables in register such as loop control variables
void main()
    register int i;
    for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
         printf ("it is printed faster using register variables\n");

Summary of Storage classes

Storage classStorageDefault Initial ValueScopeLifetime
AutomaticStackgarbagelocal within blockend of the block
RegisterStack or CPU registergarbagelocal within blockend of the block
StaticStatic memory0Local or global, within a block or within the fileEnd of the program
ExternalStatic memory0GlobalEnd of the program