Watch “JSP Part-19 | JSP JDBC with CRUD – Code Optimization, Retrieving Data using Array List (Gujarati)” on YouTube

➡️ Retrieving data using Array List (array list of objects)
➡️ Code Optimization

Here, Array List us used to hold the list of object of type EmpBean.

JSP with Bean and Data access object (DAO). JSP is the normal jsp page which uses the bean to store employee information. The DAO file also know an Data Access Layer of our application, contains the code perform database operations such as add, change, delete etc.,

This video demonstrates the best usage of MVC (Model View & Controller) architecture in Java.
➡️ The model here is the EmpBean which holds the employee information.
➡️ The index page is the View which is interface used by client to enter the input and get to view the output.
➡️ The controller here the file which accepts the request from client and sets to bean and bean finally manages the database operation.

CRUD – Create, Read, Update & Delete

With reference to previous video 👉 which consist of Add operation & Display operation.
and 👉 which consist of Delete operation.

In this video the same example has been extended to support Edit/Update operation using display page. The link (url to edit page and ID of record to be updated) has been generated in the display page for to update record.

Once user click the Edit link , the control is transfer to edit.jsp page, where the the ID of the record to be updated is fetch from request object and the other details are set in text boxes so that user can edit the data.

There is a Update (submit) button which transfer user control to the update.jsp page, where all the submitted data is updated into emp table.

#RaviROza #JSPJDBC #CRUD #AdvanceJava #Jdk #Java #Gujarati #ArrayList #CodeOptimizationInJava

OS : Windows 10
Jdk : Version 8
IDE : Eclipse Mars
Server : Apache Tomcat 7

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