J2EE Assignment

Assignment – 1 | JDBC

  1. Write down steps to create a DSN file for Ms Access Database and Oralce Database.
  2. Write down the steps for JDBC process.
  3. Develop code to define JDBC Connections to Oracle and MySQL database.
  4. Develop code to demonstrate the CreateStatement interface to Insert, Update & Delete records in an oracle table.
  5. Develop code to demonstrate the ResultSet interface to retrive table data, consider the following schema.
    Table Name: Student (Sid, Sname,SGender, SBdate, SPerc, SCity)
    Display the student details report in following manner:
    a. Ascending order of “SBdate”
    b. Descending order of the “Scity” whose gender is “Male”
    c. Descending order city where Scity=”Jamnagar” & “Rajkot”
  6. Develop code to demonstrate PreparedStatement for Insert, Update & Delete for the above table.
  7. Develop code to display the records of above table using PreparedStatement and Resultset where City belongs to Baroda.
  8. Develop code to demonstrate CallableStatement for Insert, Update & Delete. (Create a procedures in oracle for above table).
  9. Develop code to demonstrate ResultSetMetaData for the above table (at least five methods)
  10. Develop code to demonstrate DatabaseMetaData for the above table (at least five methods)
  11. Develop code to define connection with MS Access database.
  12. Develop code that selects records from an Oracle table and insert them in MySql Table.
  13. Develop code to demonstrate the callable statement for two Input Parameters and three OutPut Parameters

Assignment – 2 | Servlet

  1. Differentiate GET vs POST
  2. Differentiate Generic Servlet vs Http Servlet
  3. Differentiate Http Request vs Http Response
  4. Develop Servlet to demonstrate the life cycle methods of Servlet.
  5. Develop Servlet to demonstrate the usage of GET & POST methods.
  6. Develop Servlet to demonstrate Servlet Config and Servlet Context.
  7. Develop Servlet to display the client (header) information using HTTP Request.
  8. Develop an HTML page with all types of input elements and display it using a servlet.
  9. Develop Servlet to demonstrate the URL Rewriting.
  10. Develop Servlet to demonstrate the Hidden form fields.
  11. Develop Servlet to demonstrate the Cookies.
  12. Develop Servlet to demonstrate the Session to store username and password from an HTML page.
  13. Develop Servlet to demonstrate the Request Dispatcher object.
  14. Develop Login application using Servlet & JDBC to validate user.
  15. Develop Servlet to display student table data in an HTML table format, retrieve the connection string from web.xml file to define JDBC connection.

Assignment – 3 | Java Server Pages (JSP)

  1. Differentiate Servlet vs JSP
  2. Develop a JSP to demonstrate JSP Scripting elements
  3. Develop a Static Login page using JSP
  4. Develop a Dynamic Login page using JSP (use JDBC)
  5. Develop a JSP to demonstrate the servlet context and servlet config.
  6. Develop a JSP page to demonstrate the Use Bean (Action element)
  7. Develop a JSP page to demonstrate scope of JSP variables. (like request, application etc.,)
  8. Develop a JSP login page with log out option. Add password to session and username to cookie. Destroy cookie and session when user logs out.
  9. Develop a JSP page to demonstrate include and forward from JSP page only.
  10. Develop a JSP page to demonstrate exception using page directives.
  11. Develop a JSP page to demonstrate all implicit objects.
  12. Develop a JSP page that demonstrate exception/error handling.
  13. Develop JSP application that demonstrate the MVC architecture.
  14. Develop a JSP application to perform CRUD operation using Oracle/MySql