Kotlin Interface

In this tutorial we are going to talk about Interfaces in Kotlin. Interfaces are almost like abstract classes with few differences.

What is Interface?

Interfaces in Kotlin can contain both abstract method declarations and method implementations.
Interfaces differ from abstract classes in that they cannot store state. They are allowed to have properties, but they must be abstract or provide accessor implementations.

Interfaces are declared using the interface keyword.

Creating Interface

interface MyInterface
     fun overrideMe()
     fun iAmHereOnly()
           // optional body


Implementing Interface

A class can implement one or more interfaces.

class MyClass : MyInterface
    override fun play()

Interface Example

// www.raviroza.com
// 04-Feb-2022, 6.20 pm
interface Vehicle
    fun start()
    fun defaultMethod()
        println("Vehicle.Default Method")
class Bike : Vehicle
    override fun start() {
        println("Bike starts")
class Car : Vehicle
    override fun start() {
        println("Car starts")

fun main()
    println("interface demo")
    // object of type Bike
    var honda = Bike()

    // object of type Car
    var hyundai = Car()

    println("\nusing interface ref")
    // using interface ref to instantiate car
    var vehicle : Vehicle = Bike()

    // using the same ref to instantiate bike
    vehicle = Car()
interface demo
Bike starts
Car starts

using interface ref
Bike starts
Car starts

Invoking Super Behavior

Like Java, in Kotlin the super keyword is used to call the function of its supertype (class or interface). To invoke a function on a supertype, we will need three things: (1) the super keyword; (2) name of the supertype enclosed in a pair of angle brackets; and (3) the name of function we want to invoke on the supertype. It looks something like the code snippet here:


Below is an example for the same:

Multiple inheritance using interface

// www.raviroza.com
// 04-Feb-2022, 6.37 pm
interface Interface1
    fun download ()
    fun status() = println ("download in progress")
interface Interface2
    fun upload()
    fun status() = println ("upload in progress")

class MyTelegram : Interface1, Interface2
    override fun download() 
        println ("download starts")

    override fun upload() 
        println ("upload starts")

    override fun status() {
fun main()
    println("Multiple inheritance using interface")
    var t = MyTelegram()

Multiple inheritance using interface
download starts
upload starts
download in progress
upload in progress